by Sandy McCauley | Mar 30, 2010 | Color Picker, Color Selection, Free Videos

A second application for the Color Picker tool is converting a low resolution raster image to a vector image for printing. As I’m sure all of you are aware, a poor quality image only looks worse when enlarged for printing. But, if you really want to use that image, then you can vectorize it first, use the Color Picker to select original colors from the image, and then have a much better graphic for enlarging and printing. Note the visual difference between the original raster on the left and the new vector on the right, when zoomed in close:

Again, you can do this with any version of KNK Studio, KNK Studio GE, Design Master, or ACS Studio. If you missed yesterday’s post, you might want to view it first and then watch today’s video using the palm tree.
Color Matching Video Part 2
by Sandy McCauley | Mar 29, 2010 | Color Picker, Color Selection, Free Videos

Today’s question came up when someone at the I Love KNK Yahoo group asked for the name of a color detection program. I remembered a free one called “Color Detector” which is a handy utility and I’ve used it on a number of occasions. You can grab it from here: Color Detector
But the question reminded me that I had never posted here about a similar built-in feature in KNK Studio (and ACS, GE, DM) where you can not only click on a color to obtain the RGB color values, but also click on a button to automatically add that color to the Shop Palette in the software. This can be very useful when adding lettering or other vector images to a file for printing. Or, as I will show in a video tomorrow, for adding original colors back to vectorized images.
For today, watch this particular video and learn how to use the feature. It could come in handy sometime!
Using the Color Picker
One thing I failed to mention in the video: don’t be worried about adding new colors to your Shop Palette. These are only in affect for that particular file. When you launch a new blank file or open an existing file, you’ll be back to your default palette. Tomorrow I’ll also show you how to save a modified palette in case that situation ever arises.