Skycut Cutters
Skycut! The Newest Generation of Digital Die Cutters

For those interested in purchasing a cutter, I highly recommend the Skycut machines because of their broad range of functionality and applicability. For years, I promoted and supported KNK cutters but new models are no longer being made. But the good news is that the Skycuts are the next generation and offer the very best in speed, accuracy, and extensive functionality.
Fast smooth accurate cutting
Built-in camera for fast automatic recognition of small registration marks (no more hogging of value printout space for reg mark positioning)
Steel axes for more accurate control during cutting
Optional connectivity including true USB (no more special drivers to install), Wi-Fi connectivity to your home/office router, direct wireless to your computer, or loading of PLT files from a USB flash drive
Precise origin setting using the built-in camera
Compatible with SCAL4 or 5, SCAL4 or 5 Pro, SignMaster, VinylMaster, SignCut Pro 2, Flexi 12, LXi, Corel Draw
Easy-to-navigate control panel with dozens of functions including automatic camera calibration, end-of-cut actions, lighting control, power-on head movement, scale factor, PLT file load, array setup, force/speed settings plus 10 custom presets, test/pause/repeat options, Wi-Fi setup, 8 languages, platen lighting options, units, up/down arrow reversal, display head location, multi-pass options
Here are a few links for viewing current models and obtaining additional information:
Skycut C Demo Video
Skycut V & D Demo Video
Comparisons of Skycut Models
If you are interested in a Skycut or other digital die cutting machine, please contact me using either of the following for a referral to a qualified dealer (please indicate in your email where you live):
Facebook/Messenger: My Facebook page