It’s all about MAXX

Sorry I’ve not had a chance to post in over a week. Finishing up the user manual for MAXX, helping customers sell their used KNK’s to upgrade to MAXX, and testing new and different materials on MAXX has been keeping me busy from dawn until dusk, literally. Thus, my life has pretty much been all about the new MAXX machine. If you’ve not had a chance to see it, here’s a link: Scrapbook Die Cutter
This latest product in the Klic-N-Kut line of cutters offers almost twice as much cutting force as present in the current Klic-N-Kuts, including the Element. It also comes equipped with three pinch wheels and a laser alignment light for faster easier print and cuts. The new bladeholder seat will adjust to fit just about any pen, bladeholder, or embossing tool you wish to use. And the grit rollers are far more… well… grittier to hold the mat tight and prevent skewing. The first two models being released are the 15″ and the 24″, both due to ship in about 2 weeks.
If you have any questions about the new MAXX line of Klic-N-Kuts, please either post here or email me at Also, if you are interested in buying one of the used KNK’s from one of my customers, also contact me and I can provide information on those. I have all sizes available: 9″, 13″, 15″ and 24″.