Today’s post is in response to a question at the Klic-N-Kut Yahoo group. Karen C asked about a source for Greek letters. Piece of cake! All you need to do is select Times New Roman as your font and use the Character Picker function to locate the Greek alphabet that’s available within this font. Here’s a quickie video to show you the steps:
Phi Alpha Delta is a law fraternity. I chose it because my older son is in law school right now. 🙂
Those Greek letters are not in the correct order, they should read “ΑΔΦ” or “Alpha Delta Phi.” Just letting you know.
I’m using KNK Studio… the software that comes with our cutters. If you need these characters for Open Office, then just use Windows Character Map to located them under Times New Roman and then you can copy and paste those characters into your program. Character Map is found under All Programs>Accessories>System Tools.
Hi Sandy! Sounds great, but which program are you using in the video? I don`t have Windows Office, I`m too mean to pay for that, but I have Open Office instead. Will this do?